Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040 Support for the Bitcoin ETF from the
From: Lars van Egmond

July 12, 2018

Dear Sir/Madam,

First of all, thank you for taking our opinion into consideration, this is very much appreciated!

I'd like to show my support for the Bitcoin ETF, as I believe that the technology behind Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is a highly interesting technology that is not under the attention of the majority of the population due to many factors which are holding these people back. I know many people who are interested in cryptocurrencies, but the risks of losing their portfolio and the difficulties with crypto wallets are for example reasons that are holding them back. With this ETF, I believe the major concerns are addressed, making it much easier for people to invest in cryptocurrencies, which in its turn will lead to a higher adoption of this new technology. Therefore, I would like to express my support for this Bitcoin ETF and I hope you see the benefits of the ETF.

Thanks in advance and greetings from Amsterdam!

Lars van Egmond