Subject: File No. S7-15-18
From: Jeffrey Exposito
Affiliation: Attorney

July 12, 2018

Blockchain technology rivals or may even surpass the internet revolution in scope and scale and the approval of bitcoin etfs would be a first step in establishing the USA as a leader in this disruptive technology. In addition trillions of dollars would potentially flow into the US economy. The economic and industrial windfall created by blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are mindblowing. The US should not stifle the advancement of this disruptive innovation by imposing overly stringent regulations and denying the etf application by the CBOE. If the US doesn't take the lead other countries like China and Russia will and the US will be left behind. The CBOE application for btc etfs is sound and establishes the proper safeguards to investors in this nascent industry. I highly recommend that the btc etf application by the CBOE be approved.