Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Network Engineer

July 11, 2018

Accredited investors should not be the only ones with the option to invest. I am a retail investor and use multiple options to invest my hard earned wages, one of which is cryptocurrencies.

All Americans should have the opportunity and equal right to invest their money wherever they please. All Americans should be afforded an equal opportunity to succeed - or fail. This gives us an option to gain financial freedom, retirement funding growth, or choose an investment that may help attain a long term goal such as buying a home/transportation/business.

Education for retail investors should be recommended, especially with such a speculative asset. But we should all have the option to invest.

Regardless of what the SEC decides investors will still put money into this market with hopes to succeed. To legitimize and assist the market would benefit us all. More investment and higher growth will lead to more taxes and economic growth overall in this new market. If led correctly.

Thank you