Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Steve Smith

July 11, 2018

As an American Citizen I am strongly against Bitcoin ETF.

Investment in Crypto Currencies is pure gambling which gets easily manipulated by Exchanges, market makers and most of them are located outside US and refused to join any investigation in the past. To expose it to end users can have very serious consequences not only in US but worldwide.

Majority don't understand the use of crypto currencies but the hope of getting rich quickly and "MOOON" is attracting lot of young investors and approval of ETF will reignite the frenzy and mad rush of December 2017.

I also read extracts from VanEck filing. To claim Bitcoin is less manipulated than other asset classes is simply a joke.In this market prices are manipulated on fake news every second day.

these crypto currencies don't have any intrinsic value and until crypto regulations are in place worldwide SEC shouldn't allow ETF's.