Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Kevin Rossi

July 11, 2018

SEC Representative,

I am a computer scientist and have worked for the US government for over 15 years since 2000 as an enlisted member of the USAF for nine years, a contractor for the DoD for four years, and a computer scientist and researcher with the DoE for nearly three years. Currently, I am working independently from any organization on blockchain and DLT research projects.

DLT is not a fad. The technology is akin to the internet. The internet acted as a distributed communication layer. DLT is a distributed data storage layer. This is a vital and missing piece of technology that is coming into maturity nine years after its inception. DLT projects like Bitcoin,, Ethereum, XRP and IOTA will be backbone of the next information technology revolution that will bloom over the next three decades.

At this time, I feel that the US government is dragging its feet on this topic. Europe and China missed out on the start of the internet — but they are investing more than the US in DLT. Government research and investment from those areas is eclipsing US efforts. We are going to be sorely hurting and playing catch up due to misaligned priorities.

Approving ETNs/ETFs in the US will spur investor interest. Prodding and incentivizing corporate leaders and large investors to act now is our best course of action. Please do not delay.

Thank you,

Kevin Rossi