Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: D.D. James

July 11, 2018

Dear SEC,

While my friends buy Bitcoin on "crypto" exchanges and have experienced great gains since early 2017 despite a big pullback I feel left out of a great opportunity to invest since I am not technically savvy and also afraid of what I hear are "hacks" and lost money.

I believe that an ETF will enable non-tech savvy older people like myself to invest responsibly and have trust in what seems to be a great emerging asset class. I do not think it's fair that only millennials can take advantage of this and hope that you vote to approve the ETF.

Thank you for you consideration. Bitcoin is over 9 years old now and it's about time that our regulators take it seriously in my humble opinion.

God Bless,

D.D. James