Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Aleem Ahmed

July 11, 2018

To the Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC),

It is not the country that serves the people but rather the people who serve the country. The United States of America was founded on the principle that it is the PEOPLE who choose what is the best for their country and NOT only the powers that be. For a country to have such monetary control of something so infused within the lives of its very own people only portrays that we the people have failed to secure the freedom and liberty of this country. It was the year 2008 when we left so much trust and our hard earned money with the banks and yet they failed us. many people lost there retirements and so many of them were left with nothing after years of hard work. It is inevitable, the people have came up with a solution. We will make it happen. Power belongs to the people, not the authorities.

I ask, is freedom not one of the pillars of the United States?

let the people have what they want. If they believe in cryptocurrency then let them do so. Let the CBOE allow the ETF to happen because the people need it. If the SEC does not let it happen then i believe it will happen somewhere else.

Is it not The United States of America's pride to lead in cutting edge technology? Are we not known to change the world?

Aleem Ahmed