Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Justin Worthington

July 11, 2018

If the primary function of the SEC is to protect investors - there is no better way to begin doing so in the Cryptocurrency space than by allowing the creation of a Bitcoin ETF. At this point in time, purchasing, transferring, trading and safely storing Cryptocurrency is perilous for the average investor lacking the technical wherewithal to do so properly. By facilitating the creation of a Bitcoin ETF and subsequent Crypto. related ETFs further down the line, the SEC will be providing the aforementioned investors with the security they need to invest with confidence.

The immense functionality of Blockchain, Smart Contract, and peer-to-peer Ledger Consensus technology derived from Cryptocurrency projects like Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP is undeniable. This technology is a Global revolution that is going to evolve the financial sector in all aspects. With the writing on the wall in terms of Global economic insecurity, the United States has a chance to take up the mantle and lead the world into the future of finance or risk being left behind. The Cryptocurrency revolution provides benevolent solutions to solve many of the world's most complex issues. The obvious distortions of old money perspectives, ignorance and fears of Cryptocurrency are increasingly drowned out by their vast potential.

The SEC has the opportunity to make the United States the epicenter of technological innovation, productivity, and economic growth, by working alongside the Cryptocurrency industry as it contrives a better future for us all.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

-Justin Worthington