Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Lewis Wildridge

July 11, 2018

Good Afternoon,

Over the years, I have always looked at the stock market with an interest, but never really garnered enough excitement / reason to want to invest into the market.
Cryptocurrencies have changed this for me as I find the technology behind them absolutely fascinating and feel like it's absolutely going to be a part of the future of this world.
A vast amount of my friends and colleagues all feel the same and it seems people of the younger generation in particular that I know (20-30 years old), are all wanting to enter the market and grow their appetitive for investing and trading.
The problem however, is that there is a huge block in the sense that an unregulated territory comes with many risks, and unfortunately this is hampering a lot of those peoples interest in getting involved in investing.

The SEC is an agency that is trusted around the world, and having them legitimise this segment of the market through an ETF would provide a level of reassurance and comfort to potential investors which would pave the way for a new generation of people wanting to invest.

Kind Regards,

Lewis Wildridge
Director - Voodoo Events
Owner - Voodoo Elite