Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Shawn Bates

July 11, 2018

To whom it may concern,

Thank you for allowing public comment on this proposal. 

Crypto currency such as Bitcoin and it's underlying technology is one of the most interesting and compelling forms of commerce and store of value that I've ever seen

The opportunities this technology presents is staggering and can effect all areas of our economy including banking, e-commerce, data storage and identity theft prevention. This will ultimately help propel us into the 21st century. 

Many countries are already ahead of the game because they see the value in what it represents. Not only will it help strengthen the aforementioned areas of our economy, but it will create massive amounts of high paying jobs. 

If Bitcoin and perhaps other ETF's are approved, it would allow my father and other investors that aren't as sophisticated as the younger generation, take part and invest in this asset class. The inconvenience of buying and storing these coins is preventing many from participating. Furthermore, the security issues it presents is reducing it's appeal for average investors. 

If an ETF is supported by someone like the CBOE, then it would provide the needed infrastructure for average investors to enter this market

I hope you will consider approving this proposal now that the Futures market has proven it's a viable asset class that needs to be taken more seriously

Thank you for your time


Shawn Bates