Subject: File No. SR-BOX-2021-06
From: Tyler Hess
Affiliation: Raven Coin Miner

June 17, 2021

I would like to see the development of financial institutions and security exchanges that allow access to financial instruments and investments without the burdens and controls placed upon traditional exchanges.
A blockchain based exchange as proposed by BOX will allow anyone registered with a broker to receive rights to trade directly without intermediary on the exchange. The individuals would have no need for any clerical or other bookkeeping services as those would be plainly displayed on the blockchain.
This proposed exchange will eliminate need for clearing houses and make it so the trade is the settlement. The cost of such transactions would be no more than trading NFT's on the RavenCoin network because thats exactly what it would be. This would allow anyone interested in securing this platform and trades to reap the benefits of this clerical work that previously needed millions of dollars in capital expenditures down to owning a computer manufactured in the last decade with a mid-grade graphics card. This low cost entry will ensure that the cost of these public trades will be distributed 100% back to the individuals and institutions that are supporting and securing the transactions.
This exchange represents progress and freedom of all to participate and reap the benefits of the financial machine that makes up this country and will ensure that the great work the SEC does will be done much easier and publicly than traditional exchanges that allow back room deals and off exchange transactions.
This exchange must be setup for it represents the first steps in a free and equitable publicly auditable financial system we need.