Subject: File No. S7-42-10 - Comment from Jerry Mylius

February 9, 2012

Dear SEC Commissioners,

Please do not give in to industry pressures on Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank Act (the Cardin-Lugar Amendment) - and make sure that ALL companies are covered, every country and every project gets reported, and loopholes that would allow large sums of money to go unreported are closed.

My Comment:

After all the failures of SEC to investigate Madoff and fraudulent activities, lets get something right this time. Oil company lobbyists should not be trusted to do things the right way, so do not allow them to influence the SEC to secretly kille the best parts of Section 1504. The deals should NOT be hidden and closed door deals should be ended once and for all!!! The language of the law should be followed this time so exemptions in Section 504 will gut the law and allow loopholes. America should instead be leading the world in transparency not making a mockery.

Jerry Mylius