Subject: 34-93784
From: Kyle Lazarus

Feb. 18, 2022

It boils down to this: it’s unconscionable that a regulatory agency would allow fraud to go unchecked. You must have the capabilities to observe this happening. If you don’t, that’s unacceptable. Punish those who commit fraud. Fines should be so crippling that market makers and market participants are too afraid to commit crimes. Arrests should be so terrifying that executives demand honest business practices.
How will anyone take the USA seriously? Inaction is embarrassing. I don’t want to invest in US companies, certainly not when the market is an elitist-run banana republic casino. It is probably going to be too late now. Alternatives to the traditional stock market will emerge. Many, many people will be hurt by the effects of inaction. Make the offending parties pay for their crimes for the rest of their life.
If the stock market has no credibility, how can the SEC claim to have integrity?