Subject: File Number S7-32-10
From: Victor Aranda

Feb. 7, 2022

To Chair Gensler et al, and whom it may concern at the Securities and Exchange Commission: 

It is appalling to me as a voting citizen and market participant that these rules or something similar are not already established and properly, reliably enforced. The confidence that the international business community has in our markets is extremely important to US interests and lack of disclosure due to loopholes or complexities of these financial instruments not only undermines that confidence but potentially places the market under extraordinary, and idiosyncratic, risk. This is an unacceptable lack of oversight. While these rules are welcome, it is far past time for these and other similar regulations governing the trading and fair price discovery of equities. I think that the suggested rules and changes should be approved and immediately enforced. 

I am also concerned by actions by the Commodities Futures Trading Commision under Chair Benham to not recommend enforcement actions for Swaps Dealers (SDs) failing to comply with reporting requirements, per announcements in the Letter No. 21-18 dated August 31, 2021, and believe that such actions introduce risks into our markets in similar fashion to the activities addressed within File Number S7-32-10. 


Victor Aranda