Subject: Comments on S7-32-10 from a retail investor
From: Phillip Banky

Feb. 07, 2022



I am a retail investor, not a big wig by any stretch of the imagination. 

I won't get into a long winded speech about my history or whatnot but I will say this. 

My time in the military and any government official has instilled in me to protect the American people from enemies foreign and domestic. It is an honor we all uphold and a privilege we must earn every day. 

My time in the stock market as a 27 year old investor focusing in on the most recent 2-3 years has been nothing short of filled with absolute shame, disgust and feeling completely overpowered by the large funds in this country. I am not alone. 

Every day it is in my talking groups of young professionals and military members that the powers in towers are NOT fulfilling our duties and protecting us from the new buzz words and headlines we see on \"dark pools\", \"internalizers\" \"short sellers\" and the foundationally flawed sense of a \"self governing agency\". In what world does that sound just? We are in an information age now where the writing is on the walls and so obvious about stock manipulation, we know PFOF is banned in nearly every developed country except the USA, our market makers pay fines that are pennies on the dollar and nothing more than \"paying the $100 toll to make $100,000,000\". There are no bans and no teeth in this market. 

It is my strong belief and I urge someone to make a stand in this organization for the betterment of this country. The ever diverging and divorcing from reality this market becomes will only become worse and worse. Parabolas do not solve sideways. 

Every point in history there is a fiasco where we see that absolute power corrupts absolutely, its something my generation has been told since 2nd grade. 

Be on the good side of history, we look up to those who stand against injustice. 

I dare not insult your intelligence or anyone's intelligence at the commission but Citadel, Virtu, Point72 and other firms are directly responsible for large scale fraud and manipulation, lying officially, cooking books, etc. This is something painfully obvious to everyone in the public and setting this right is one of the very few ways to put America back on the path of good. Teachers, roadworkers, nurses, school bus drivers are being replaced by national guardsmen in multiple states because of the lack of pay.. 

This rule, this legislation to finally bring financial fraud to an end.. imagine the tax benefits of paying our workers and having more market accessibility and confidence to trust that we are properly protected. 


Very Respectfully,  
Phillip M. Banky