Subject: Comment Submission File Number S7-32-10
From: Ronnie Hensel

Feb. 7, 2022

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the SEC, 

My name is Ronnie Hensel and I am an international (German) investor who is very concerned about the current stock market structures in the US. 
This is my Comment submission regarding File Number S7-32-10 

The problem of short selling, which has increased over the last few years, is not only a major problem for US citizens and the US stock markets, but for the entire global financial world. 
All eyes are currently on you (the SEC) and the DOJ, and it is in all of our (international investors) best interest that this is cleared up quickly and cleanly, otherwise we will lose faith in the free, democratic markets of the United States. This has gone on for far too long and it is now time for action. 
I ask you with all my heart to enforce this proposed rule as quickly as possible. 
The new proposed rule shows quite clearly that you (The SEC) have recognized the problem and can replicate it exactly. This is the first real step we as international investors see in the right direction.  
This new rule will positively impact the future of the U.S. financial markets and help bring back fair and stable market conditions. 

Again, I can only reiterate that many people involved in the US markets here in Europe are currently very concerned about the whole situation and that it is extremely important that this is finally put right and the people who are doing wrong are rightfully punished. 

Lets make this right and reestablish faith into the best and most important financial markets in the world. 

Kind regards, 

Ronnie Hensel