Subject: Comments on S7-32-10
From: Jacob Croft

Feb. 7, 2022

I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to the markets, I'm a new investor who has had a crash course on the way the markets work over the past year or so.

With that said, even I can see the immense amount of corruption present in the current system. How big companies are able to sway the markets because they have more funding, more resources, more manpower and fewer morals.

I'm fully in support of anything that gives the SEC more power to watch these potential bad actors in the markets and hold them accountable. It's the duty of the SEC to do exactly that and the fact that there are still loopholes in things like reporting that are being exploited is a major disservice to the average investor, to the SEC itself and to the markets as a whole.

This should be a completely uncontroversial change, the only people who oppose further transparency are the ones who want to hide in the shadows. It's time we ask why and shine a light where they don't want us to look.

I am in full support of S7-32-10. Thank you for taking the time to read my comments.

All the best,