Subject: File Number S7-32-10
From: Josh Zimmerman

Feb. 04, 2022


Dear SEC, 

I am writing this email to provide comment on the recent File Number S7-32-10 rule proposal. I appreciate you taking the time to review the harmful practices that are rampant in today's stock market trading. The situation at hand is reminiscent of the 2008 financial market crash, and I am concerned that swaps are once-again being abused. 

Specifically, I am concerned with Student Loan Asset Backed Securities (SLABs) as well as credit swaps and short interest reporting. I believe that swaps and other similar securities are used to mask fraud and rehypothecate stock shares and certificates. 

Simply stated, please suspend Dark Pool Trading, require same-day transaction settling and reporting, and do not allow Student Loans to become an "asset class" used as a vehicle of manipulation for the wealthy Wall Street Bankers. 


A Concerned Investor 

Joshua Zimmerman 
Santa Clara, California