Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Adam Brixey

March 9, 2022

I think other retail traders have submitted better comments than I can.
I just want to add my voice to the throwing choir of retail traders who are watching closely the actions of regulatory agencies. This rule proposal is a step in the right direction, but hopefully is part of more sweeping reform to either better enforcement standards or close loopholes that are being exploited by institutions and groups with more access to market information than retail traders could ever hope to have currently.
The promise of America is the greatest story in the world and I hope our financial enforcers continue to ensure this promise for the common person is attainable and that wealthier individuals don't have ways of exploiting the system in ways that hurt the growing trend of retail traders. Crypto currency ownership among millenials and younger is rising constantly and I believe it's because there is a fundamental mistrust in the system or a feeling the current system is too complex.
I hope we can continue to make progress towards transparency and accountability.