Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Anonymous

February 19, 2022

As a new individual investor, who has spent the vast majority of the past 12 months, learning about the manipulation and corruption that does occur in the derivatives market. I think this is one of the most important rules to be implemented. I feel scared that most people dont even know these types of leverage mechanisms exist, and that their retirements and student loans are what is being used as collateral to essentially bet against THEM. Its sickening. That rules like this have not existed before now. As Gary Gensler stated in the congressional hearings, he wants to ride the market of fraud and corruption. I believe in him. Thats is why am I commenting on this rule. I want to be in the right side of history, and make sure other individual investors can be protected and assured that they are trading in a safe and fair market structure and arent being taken advantage of and front run by large institutions because no one thought to look or had the guts to enforce change and regulations. Thank you.