Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Steven Gregory Manor
Affiliation: N/a

February 8, 2022

I believe that we require immediate action to guarantee free retail legitimate access to equal trade in the NYSE that is currently non existent due to blatant and constant manipulation by large actors, primarily market makers and hedge funds that suppress price action daily and make fair trade for retail investors impossible. This is not how the US market should be and is a pitiful example on full display not only for our country, but for all of the world to witness and be repeatedly abused by. We need immediate action to guarantee the integrity of our market including stricter law, and immense penalties against those that repeatedly violate it. Complete elimination of payment for order flow should also immediately be abolished to this end. Thank you for your time and please help me and millions of other individuals be guaranteed an equal opportunity on the stock market that is currently non existent.