Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Luke M

February 7, 2022

As a retail investor who has spent the last year watching the more and more blatant manipulation unfold before our eyes, I have all but lost faith in US markets. Large firms both private and public need to be scrutinized more thoroughly. It is my belief there is large, system-wide corruption and fraud happening on a daily basis. Aided by SEC leadership that seems to have been asleep at the wheel the last 14 years.

How can we consider this a free market?

Punishments need to be both monetary AND jailtime. The American people want to see these crooks behind bars for their blatant manipulation. We are fed up with firms making billions illegally only to be fined a mere fraction of a percent of the ill-gotten gains. The Federal Government will seize cash raised from illegal activities from average citizens - its time to hold Wall St. to the same standard. No more manipulation