Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Clay Waley
Affiliation: Wildland Firefighter/Retail Investor

February 7, 2022

I am a retail investor and I am in favor of any rule against fraud, manipulation in security based swaps or any aspect that affects the free market. I do not believe that many financial institutions feel the same way. I agree with Gary Gensler that there needs to be more transparency in the market. I was appalled when I heard in a recent interview with Gensler that 90-95% of the retail orders were not hitting lit markets. How is this even possible or acceptable? I believe that this is done because our regulators do not have the motivation or teeth to properly regulate. You would fix this by having consequences to actions. I would not imagine my kids stealing a jar of candy, being caught, having to give me 1 piece back and keep the jar. I do not feel this is the proper way to teach my children, stealing is bad. I feel this metaphor encases the consequences enforced to financial institutions by regulating agencies. Please make real consequences for a breaking of the rules and not just a \"cost of doing business\" Thank you for your work and listening to the retail investors. Also, please look into the dark pools.