Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Anonymous

February 7, 2022

I am a retail investor from Canada.
I was a little intimidated to comment at first - with such legal language and formatting one can be overwhelmed, pardon my plain language but it's all I have.

I absolutely agree with the proposed rule, but am somewhat concerned that this didn't exist already.

If this rule needs to be introduced in 2022, what other rules in favour of truth and transparency need to be implemented?

I am in favour of a free market where no one person has an unfair advantage over another - especially not using deceptive techniques reserved only for a special few.

In addition, I hope that the implementation of these rules will come with suitable punishments for not adhering to them.

This is not to be seen as a complaint, but rather how I feel as a retail investor, who naively entered the market thinking it was already built fairly and enforced absolutely.

In short, I trusted the people who built this to be built on truth and transparency, but I now see that we have to pioneer this instead - which I am more than willing to be a part of, so that future generations can trust us.

This rule is a great start.

Thank you for your time.