Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Sebastian
Affiliation: CNC Machinist

February 7, 2022

Over the last 2 years as an active retail trader in securities I have noticed some of the most questionable behavior of the institutional traders. From Market Makers such as CITADEL Securities, to brokers who include: Robinhood, Fidelity Investments, Ameritrade and a few others. Learning about naked shorting, swaps, hilariously low fines for companies who constantly abuse the system. How much of it drives the balance sheets for Big Banks, at the expense of retail trades, and also people who are not involved in the stock market but are involved in the economy. There are reasons why such practices have been banned in other major markets: Asia, Europe, etc. but not in the USA. After watching many documentaries, reading books, and how this manipulation is accepted by the SEC and the government makes me realize that the American Dream is just a giant sham. The market is a casino, and the house always wins. Fix this