Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Jacob

February 7, 2022

As a retail investor, I support the spirit of the regulations proposed in File No. S7-32-10.

This country was supposedly founded \"For the people, by the people\" and yet actions speak louder than words.

The actions taken by the financial elite in this country with the rampant abuse of power, manipulation, and outright fraud used by Wall Street hedge funds, market makers, and financial institutions show that we currently live in a system created by the top 1% for the top 1%.

A system where darkpools are 90-95% of transactions on the market is not a free market at all. A system where SHF are able to run businesses into the ground via stock manipulation with ZERO reprocussions is not a just and fair system.

Retail investors have taken notice and will not stand for such injustice. I am happy to see that some action is being taken at least in show, in order to curtail and reign in this rampant use of swaps in order to suppress and manipulate the market as the market makers see fit. With minor slaps on the wrist when caught.

Some would argue that these relatively small fines are even just built-in costs of doing business and therefore are hardly illegal at all.

If there are any parties that represent the people anymore then they will take action to rectify this situation. Our countries' very survival may depend on it. For many feel that we are watching the collapse of our great republic in real-time.

I look forward to seeing good men stepping forward in order to bring the liberty this country claims to stand for to the light.