Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Dr. Zachary Landon, M.S., D.C.
Affiliation: Landon Chiropractic

February 7, 2022

I am a retail investor and I am in favor of this rule.

Though in favor, I am more skeptical of any rule being actually enforced. It has become obvious that Reg-SHO is largely ignored by broker-dealers and they continue to navigate the market without meaningful punishment. The sheer number of loop-holes, work-arounds, and self-reporting problems is worrying. Observing the history of our market care-takers leaves me to assume minimal compliance amongst the criminal abusers will continue. We need real enforcement with meaningful, deterring consequences for violations.

That's on your organization. I sincerely wish for you all to live up to our expectation.