Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Weston Winn
Affiliation: Self-employed / Retail investor

February 7, 2022

As a retail investor, I believe we deserve a fairer, more transparent market and this is a step closer to that. I also believe that fines should be more appropriate for the crimes committed by fraudulent players in this market. The government groups need to act against corruption. it's one thing to short with the rules, but to bend the rules and naked short is a dishonor to the system. also, when our buy button was stolen from us that was just to shocking to see they were able to do that to us and right there I knew the market was obviously rigged against us if they were able to do something like that and we were helpless from being able to protect ourselves and our money we had invested in the stock markets. that can never happen to us again because I'm certain I will have lose all trust in our markets and governments and I'm sure I speak for most other individuals as well It is imperative that this be passed to protect the retail investors from all of the manipulation and corruption we have be fighting against This is so un-American very shameful on these hedge funds institutions doing these to their fellow Americans If this ruling does not pass, it will tell me everyone else everything we need to know about the supposed integrity of our marketplace so please do the right thing make our markets a fair, more transparent playing field Mr. Gensler THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING Thank you for this opportunity to voice my comments and concerns.