Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Jes Chergui
Affiliation: Consultant

February 7, 2022

As a retail investor in Europe, I am genuinely concerned about the fairness of the price discovery of shares that belongs to companies that are under attack by short hedge funds and market makers. It is clear that the illegal practice of Failing To Deliver pushes the price down with artificial shares and that the aim has always been to push the price down so to never have to cover. I understand that this illegal practice is modus operandi and only punished with a few thousand dollars. This makes me totally lose my trust of the American stock market and it is definitely making evaluating other markets.
Please address this problem. Fix the dark pool issue and the naked shorting which in my eyes are a blatant fraud and market manipulation. Thank you for providing a roadmap as to how and when will this problem be fix. Best regards,
Jes Chergui
Telephone: 0045 30 77 96 39