Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Michael
Affiliation: Retail trader

February 7, 2022

I support this rule change. 90-95% are going into the dark pool then why isnt retail allowed into this pool as well? The only people benefiting from not changing the rules are the people abusing the market. Retail has an unfair advantage. Retail needs to be on the same playing field as the rest of the big companies. We are all participating in investing but only wall street benefit from Main Street. Individual retail are being taken advantage of everyday in their individual stock picks and their retirement funds. Everyday hard working class people are being stolen from. The essential workers putting their money in hoping they can retire. Wall street is enjoying main streets money today until they lose it all and then gets bailed out with main street tax money to redo the cycle all over again. The abuse needs to end.