Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Anonymous

February 7, 2022

I am a millennial and some of my clearest memories of my childhood are the hardships we faced because there was never enough money after 2008. As I got older, 8 found more information about what happened and was astounded that it was allowed to go on. Not only that, but the people responsible weren't even punished. After a little more than a decade, we're back to economic instability for millions and many people currently have no hope for a better future under these conditions. It's obvious that our markets are broken. There are endless ways for institutions to cheat hardworking retail investors out of their money and instead of enforcing the rules, regulators actively help hide their crimes. Investors are rapidly losing faith in the markets, not just domestically, but worldwide. We aren't asking for much, just a fair chance in the market. There is too much access to information to continue this charade any longer. The populace knows they're being robbed and if the institutions designed to protect them won't act, the system will eventually collapse. We are at a breaking point and we need a change for the better. Otherwise, they will have nothing left to steal and those wealthy, out of touch people that benefit from this system will find out how much they depended on the working class they actively destroyed.