Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Andr Freire
Affiliation: Software Developer

February 7, 2022

Almost 2 years ago I started investing in the American markets, believing everyone could make it if they did their due diligence and invested for the long run. However the events of the past year related to GME and other heavily shorted stocks revealed that it's all an unfair game, and retail investors are playing in an very rigged financial system. I've got 40+ years until retirement, and I sit at a cross-roads now: I can take my investments somewhere else more transparent and less manipulated or, the American Markets start implementing measures like the ones on S7-32-10 to combat current issues. Reddit has now a sea of information about how and what the bad actors of the American Financial are doing. I read it daily, and I share it with my friends and family, and I'm just a regular guy from Portugal, imagine the message that is being disseminated across the globe. I believe the SEC is at a very defining moment for the America dominance over the global markets. People are more informed by the day, they will demand transparency or leave. There's no hiding from it anymore.