Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Veteran, Citizen, Proud America, with love for Humanity

February 7, 2022

Money is just an exchange of energy. Created to streamline the barter system.

Our current financial system is based on citizens giving their energy as wage slaves, being told to invest the meager savings they have into the stock market so someday in the future they can retire when their body is frail and they can no longer enjoy life and are so exhausted they don't have enough energy left to remember their passion which is what they should have been doing from the start.

Then Wall Street and Shadow Banks create financial investment vehicles like the one being described here to leverage those citizens energy, and profit several more times off energy they did absolutely nothing to create.

The Finance and Banking industry is based on a system of middlemen, all taking citizens money and slicing their little piece of it away. Then they hoard all of that energy instead of putting it back into the world they store it in their mansions, yachts and country clubs, with members only signs on the door. Shits Draconian at best.

We need to stop wasting time trying to put a fresh layer of paint on an already broken Wall Street.

When I invest in a company my energy should go directly to that company, not to middleman like banks, brokerages, prime brokers, and hedge funds.

Time for a rebirth Decentralized Blockchain is the answer. Keep going Gary we got you.

Don't even get me started on debt, and the predatory lending system that is also caused by the same bankers.


I may be a cat