Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Chris
Affiliation: Disabled Veteran

February 7, 2022

The FED is a criminal organization. You cannot change my mind. Wall Street is out of control. A single hedge fund controls 40% of all corporations in the US, among other things. They use an AI to make trades for them and other wall streeters. This is not a free and fair market. How does a company with 90% buy and 10% sell on the day to day continue to plummet? Why do these people pay little to nothing in fines when they break the law? Then nobody goes to jail. They call it the cost of doing business. Why are none of these people in jail? Why is there a media blackout about the secret bailout in 2019? No more bailouts, that is bullsht. As far as I am concerned, all of you are just as guilty as the rest of them. You have been raping this country in the name of around a dozen rich families. It's time to knock it off. If you need help, start here: