Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Anonymous

February 7, 2022

Citadel has a large chunk of the market share. I am genuinely concerned that they are still allowed to participate although they have received over 50 counts of fines.
Naked shorting, trading ahead, you name it and they have done it and there are public records on FINRA website.

Let's call Naked Shorting what it really is: printing money.

Why isn't anyone going to jail? If I printed money I would get locked up and never see my family again. That hardly seems fair, almost as if our system is made to benefit the wealthy and punish the poor.

This entire system is a joke unless real charges against financial crooks are brought forth.

Do the right thing: No more favors. No more lies. No more secrecy.

There are only two potential outcomes:
1. No one is punished once again (just like in 2008) and America is actually run by financial criminals who are then more empowered then ever to keep stealing from entire generations. or

2. justice is served- everyone who had a part in this: ken griffin, mike bodson, vlad tenev, jamie dimon, and all the other (20 to 50) names I left out, ALL go to jail. The playing field is leveled for everyone.

Finally, why are there so many conflicts of interest everywhere? Previous market regulators taking employment at financial institutions. Why is this so common and accepted?

The entire system is so corrupt. Is there any hope? Can we put our faith in the SEC?