Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Hari Wicaksono
Affiliation: Individual investor of US based financial/security instrument

February 7, 2022

I am Hari Wicaksono from Indonesia, foreign retail investor of US based financial market. I am really upset of the current state of US financial market where the mentioned fraud manipulation methodologies can easily be abused by malicious parties, to hurt individual investors (from all over the world who invested in US Market). Both hurting us financially and hurting our trust of the fairness of US market. By abusing such things they manipulate market, they are hurting the market, they are robbing our hard earned money that we invest. The money that we invest for the better future of our children.

We were thinking US market is the most trustful fair market that exists, even we believed to be more fair prosperous than current market on our own countries. But the reality, the fact that such manipulation fraud is not regulated enough and is constantly being abused to hurt the market overall, does very much hurt our trust to the US market. We currently no longer believe the US market is fair, we no longer recommend our family friends to invest in US market, for as long as such abusive methodologies is not regulated enough. We want better regulation, as stated on the proposed rule. We want manipulation fraud to be more severely monitored prosecuted. We want to have our trust of fair US market back.

So please, regulators of the US market, please restore the trust of foreign-investors regarding the US market fairness. Else, people from all over the world would no longer believe invest in US market anymore. I believe this proposed rule is a good start, although we also believe further efforts will also be needed to restore the trust.