Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Ben Brendle

February 7, 2022

I agree and reinforce the rules laid forth in these new updated policy guideline rules. For too long bad actors have been given the go-ahead to steal and grift from everyone involved in the US and world economy. The American people who choose to not participate in the world of finance are impacted and cannot opt out. Money is being made and fleeced from the working people and there is nothing they can do about it. This must change, the rules must change and most importantly be enforced. The people will not continue to deal with the current fraud that is legally rampant in the US financial markets. For too long swaps and back of house agreements have been used to manipulate and steal from the American people, some who have no choice but to take on the risk of Wall Street. These issues must be addressed for people, otherwise we will leave to create our own economies that provide equal, fair, and honestly reportable statistics that hold entities accountable for their mistakes.