Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Matt Brady

February 7, 2022

Dear SEC,

I am a small retail investor following the stock market closely and while it is only correlated to this particular proposal S7-32-10, I am concerned about fraud and manipulation overall in the market.

The acknowledgement by SEC Chair Gensler that over 90 percent of trades are occuring in dark pools suggests there is no price discovery mechanism for retail traders.

The fact that political donations and fines for wrongdoing from the SEC represent a miniscule pittance of the money SHF and HFs are siphoning from retail, any and all mechanisms that aim to shine light on the \"darkness\" in all corners of our financial markets is absolutely necessary.

The tables have long been tilted toward the rich and they will stay that way no doubt, but for those of us with friends and relatives in the US, we see the writing on the wall that the US is on a precipice financially and politically. Those with the power to change policy in either of those arenas kick the can on fraud and abuse of little guy by the powerful do so at your own peril.

Why should the young accommodate themselves to a system of power in which justice is inoperative, the will of the people is denied or manipulated and all these perversions are hidden in calculated, hyped bubbles of obfuscation, myths and lies?