Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Chris Kilpatrick
Affiliation: Network Administration

February 7, 2022

I would like to say a few things about the entire Market as a whole, and somethings that I believe we (The American people) have watched going on for along time now and want things to get changed for the better.

We watch the stock market each day have what is abundantly clear to be market manipulation. Were sick of hearing that nothing is going on on WS at an illegal level, and that we so called retail investors are just making things up because we dont like that there is risk in the market when investing. We arent stupid and we have been watching you all this past year very closely. Now we come to you asking that you make the necessary changes to the market that are clearly needed.

The above rule changes that are being proposed, they work for us but we need to see much more coming from our tax payer funded agencys such as SEC, we want real change and for those that have been gaming the American people, stealing essentially via the stock market through SBS, those persons must be held accountable in a criminal investigation manner. The criminals on WS must be prosecuted for their crimes and we the American people arent going to back down from this, this needs to be done. This should had been done long ago, now is the time to step up at SEC, and get it done.

Thank you for your time and lets not forget the American people anymore and never forget that we are a nation of laws, and those laws must be held at the highest priority.