Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Komninos Tsakkiris
Affiliation: Urban Designer / Urban Planner

February 7, 2022

To whom it may concern.
As an eu investor of us securities i would like to address what is on the line here.
All us exchanges and further the us economy are shadowed by an immense lack of transparency, corruption and fraud rumors. Regardless if i believe those rumors or not, a crystal clear system and procedures should have transparency and leave no doubt to their investors who put their hard earned savings there. It cannot be only me who will not continue to send my capital as suspicions of fraud and manipulation in the us securities systems grow. Sooner or later a blockchain exhange to support ipos and many more will appear. Completely Decentralised without any doubt about big players knowing buy orders and stop losses. Doubts about custody of the securities. Rumors about naked short selling. Will this exhange be us based? Who knows What i do know is this will happen and it will attract an immense number of players. Funds, retail traders day trayders the whole lot. It is up to you to enforce the rules to protect retail now before retail takes their business elsewhere. Last, the prevailing image of the exhanges right now is this system is encouraging fraud and crime since the penalties are small financial fines compared to the size of the crime. If the penalty is a fine then its meant for poor people the internet sais right now. Also beeing said that this system is designed to milk retail. Noone is asking for anything other than fair playing ground and adequate punishment to stop the crime for happening again. A street theft or a bank heist means years in prison. How about any foul play on the higher financial organisations? Regards