Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Max Scott
Affiliation: Retail Investor

December 17, 2021

Ever since the alleged squeeze of GameStop in January, I have personally delved deep and learned a lot about the inner workings of securities markets. You dont have to be a CFA to know that a rule proposal for the Prohibition Against Fraud, Manipulation, or Deception in Connection with Security-Based Swaps immediately screams that there are problems with enforcement and logical/moral regulation of our markets. The SEC actually needs to propose this? If there is fraud happening in swaps (news flash: THERE IS, but you would not know that because swaps have minimal, if any, reporting requirements) then you should not need to propose a rule to do your job. JUST DO YOUR JOB.

Quick tangent: How do complex security instruments even get introduced into the market without reporting requirements? I understand that deregulation can help foster efficient, fair, and free markets, but not at the expense of basic risk management principles (Im looking at you, quadrillions of derivatives with minimal, if any, reporting requirements).

My comments on SE-32-10: Expedite approval and prioritize enforcement with significant consequences that MUST include revocation of trading licenses and criminal prosecution of individuals AND companies involved.

As an individual retail investor, I like GameStop and where they are heading as a company with their development of an NFT marketplace for the gaming industry ( I buy, hold, and Direct Register my GME shares with the official transfer agent of GameStop, Computershare, to ensure my shares are IN MY NAME, that my ownership rights are GUARANTEED, and my shares are NOT lendable for shorting in the systemic risk casino that is Wall Street. For those interested in doing their own Due Diligence (DD) here is a great resource to start down the rabbit hole: