Subject: S7-31-22
Form Type C

Dear Secretary Countryman,

I am writing you today in support of this potential new ruling. Encouraging this to be passed and implemented with upmost importance. The significance of this ruling along with sweeping and proper enforcement would bring the current market place back to a more fair structure. Allowing for true price discovery and steps to prevent price manipulation on behalf of market makers and hedge funds that route retail orders off exchange or internalize them.

The blatant manipulation of stock prices on behalf of market makers and hedge funds that are both short but naked short companies forcing them into bankruptcy - causing in some cases potential cures for new cancer drugs being lost, unemployment of thousands of workers, a complete lack of faith in the American financial system on a global level, and systemic risk that has the potential to destroy the US economy.

Thank you for your time and sincerely looking forward to restoring true price discovery and a fair financial system with proper and severe enforcement for bad actors.