Subject: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495
From: Mary Mando

Apr. 01, 2023


I fully support the Order Competition Rule and request that it be implemented as quickly as possible. 

Slaps on the wrist and measly $200 fines for "bad" behavior by broker-dealers is clearly not doing anything to stop the pillaging of American citizens' savings, investments and pensions.  If anything, the meager (and laughable) fines, as well as lack of enforcement by the SEC, has only emboldened these self-righteous crooks to grow their (already monolithic) market manipulation mafia even larger. 

This country is on the verge of self-destruction due to the blatant disregard and accountability for bad actions by greedy profiteers, from our elected government officials to the shady hedge funds (along with all of the other shameful members of this money laundering "mafia)".  

From fraudulent trading practices, media manipulation, inside information, bribes, etc., the power and money grabbing game is completely out of control. 



Mary C Mando 

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