Subject: File no. S7-31-22 No.34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Con Tran

Mar. 31, 2023


Dear, Chairman Gensler 

As an investor in the stock market for the past three years I have seen so many unfair things brokers, market makers and hedge funds do with public money that they don't have.  

They use it to invest in other sector for their personal gain and retail investors foot the bill for this unfair market that's been going on for decades. 

I strongly support the rules that the SEC proposes for fair markets and transparency.  

I am behind you with this proposed rules Mr. Chairman. You have my full support to implement better execution prices for retail investors.  

Mr. Chairman Gensler I strong support your prosed rules for better competition in the stock market. I want you to do what's best for retail investors and by doing this.  

You might have more support for retail investors as myself and hopefully you might restore trust in this broken stock markets.  

It is time that we have transparency and I know you will do what's best for retail investors. Mr. Chairman I once again want you to know that you have my full support for these proposed rules.  

Sincerely yours, 

Con Tran