Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Bartek Karas

Mar. 31, 2023



I am writing in support of the rule. 
PFOF has been banned in other places in the world, as it eliminates true price discovery and is used to monopolize trades by the biggest players. Should be illegal in the US as well, as it hurts our markets more than it helps them. 
We need more transparency of the dark pools as they are being abused. 
The fines that broker dealers and others receive are way too low compared to their gains from breaking the las and it seems as a cost of doing business rather than something that actually negatively affects them. Perhaps some licences should be taken away or at least the profits made on top of the fine for breaking rules and raking in millions +. 
I'm counting this rule will get implemented soon so our markets can improve and the playing field can level some for everyone to be able to play.  

thank you, 

Bartek Karas 


"we are here on earth to do good to others. what the others are here for, I don't know." 