Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Jannatul Zaman

Mar. 31, 2023


- I support the passing of this rule, no market maker, no individual/specific group, etc. should have the privilege of receiving market orders first. This denies that information to others participating in such a market therefore they don't have the advantage of time. This therefore denies that the market is free and equal for all. 
- The UK has banned PFOF due to the reasons above, if they can maintain a market without issues, we should also be able to do the same. 
- Retail investors who are not affected by PFOF have better options when it comes to the best price compared to those who do trade with PFOF, this is in contradiction with FINRA's Best Execution guidance. 
- If such a rule is passed, broker-dealers who continue to participate in PFOF should not receive just a fine for breaking it but their ability to run a broker-dealer under the acceptance of the US government. License to operate should be revoked.