Subject: RE: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Alex Schaefer

Mar. 31, 2023


Dear Ms. Countryman: 

I am adding my voice along with the voice of many other retail investors in SUPPORT of the following rule outlined in this email's subject. Many fellow retail investors have provided a breadth of evidence to illustrate how this rule will help protect and provide fair competition for retail investors in a market that otherwise feels stacked against us. 

As an individual investor, it has been difficult to see the numerous pieces of evidence that illustrate the enormous advantage certain parties have with respect to the market. I am urging you to please consider passing this rule. 

Your consideration is greatly appreciated and I trust that you and your colleagues will do right by the countless number of individuals who have all reached out to you to voice our concerns regarding a system that feels unfairly targeted against us. 

Very best regards, 
Alex Schaefer