Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Collin Mcginnis

Mar. 31, 2023


I am writing to voice my adamant support of the restriction for processes such as PFOF and allowing organizations, like Citadel, priority treatment, in order to promote a more balanced market.

In the same ways people are abandoning the foundations of institutional education, they’re doing so for foundational investing. The education and information that exists and exposes the flaws in such systems are the very things that will keep these people from ever returning, until impactful changes are made. The corruption in education with “payed for” admissions, preferential treatment, etc., aren’t that different from what’s recently been exposed in the world of investing about organizations like Citadel. There have been too many “glitches” and anomalies occurring in recent history that would inhibit any reason for people to have faith in a system that is meant to be fair.

Thank you,

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