Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Rhys J

Apr. 01, 2023


I support markets that encourage competition which is why I am in favour of this proposal IMMEDIATELY as a retail household and international investor. It is crucial that market makers possess less influence over markets in order to ensure the validity and fairness of the market.  

Furthermore, real punishments need to be given to broker-dealers who skirt the law such as loss of licenses, jail time for perpetrators. Fines become a "cost of doing business" when that is the only punishment.  

This proposed rule is a good step in the right direction for fair markets and I encourage it to be implemented immediately rather than later. Real price action is required, not what a market maker deems "fair". I suggest there is a conflict of interest for Market makers where "fairness" is deemed.  

Appreciate the SEC's effort to create markets that are fair for Household investors and not monopolized by institutions.  

Kind regards,  

Rhys J.