Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Sam Magliarisi

Mar. 31, 2023


Hello SEC, 

I fully and completely support this rule.  Please put this rule into action ASAP.  Competition is extremely important for the markets to work properly.  The markets are currently not fair.  I want to see broker-dealers lose their license and face strict punishment instead of small fines which are clearly just the cost of doing business at this point.  It's very easy to see for a retail investor like myself.  Wholesalers are bad for competition.  I have no problem paying more to actually have a free and fair market.  Anyone who does a small amount of research can see that things are fundamentally broken.  We don't need a midleman. Let my orders go to the auction and not to wholesalers.  Internalisation is bad for markets. 

Please enforce your rules. The state of the market is disgusting and sad.